Hillary Clinton in Chicago

When Hillary Clinton visited Chicago on the campaign trail for Bill, she of course stopped by Billy Goat tavern to meet Sam.

The most potent words in politics:
“A round for the house!”

Happy Birthday Julia Child!

June 2, 1981, was a historic day at Billy Goat Tavern. That’s when world-renowned gourmet chef, Julia Child, and legendary short cook, Sam Sianis met over a cheezborger.

According to Sam, Julia stopped by because, “She wanted to know the secret – she heard all over the country about cheezborger, cheezborger.”

So what did she think of her first Cheezborger?

“I think I could live on this forever”, exclaimed Child.

She also gave Billy Goat’s atmosphere 4 stars. “The atmosphere is a lot of fun. There’s a nice nostalgia. You don’t see many places like that any more, do you?”  She’d be happy to know that not much has changed in the 33 years since her visit!