Jan 20, 2016 | Michigan Avenue, Mike Royko, Sam Sianis
“One night after a loss, we headed to the tavern to lick our wounds and gargle a few beers. After a while, Sam brought a goat in for a drink. The goat smelled pretty bad and Mike kept feeding the goat $1 bills. Then someone hands Mike a $10 bill and the goat eats it. Just a couple minutes later, the goat lets loose with a fusillade of pellets on Mike’s shoes. Seeing this, Sam yells from behind the bar, ‘Hey, Mike. He gave you change.'” – Tim Weigel from the book “A Chicago Tavern” –http://tinyurl.com/jsv7elt

Jan 14, 2016 | Sam Sianis, Uncategorized
We know goats have tremendous appetites. But over the years, Billy Goat Tavern owner Sam Sianis has shown his appetite takes the cake. The only question we have for Sam is, “How do you stay so thin?”
Chairborger! Chairborger! Chairborger!

A young Sam Sianis showing off his sweet tooth–er, teeth

The world famous chompers today.

Dec 10, 2015 | Sam Sianis
The date is December 12th. The year is a little fuzzy. It’s Sam’s birthday—stop by and celebrate!

Aug 4, 2015 | Billy Goat Curse, Michigan Avenue, Sam Sianis
Around the time Billy Sianis opened the Billy Goat Inn, miles away his nephew, Sam Sianis, was born in a little village in Greece. He would grow to become a strong, dedicated, loyal, and hardworking adult. At 19 years old, he would take those attributes to pursue a life in America working with his Uncle at the Tavern. When Billy dies in October 1970, Sam would take over and become one of Chicago’s finest and a legend in his own right. Raised on goat’s milk….it must be in his blood.

Jun 18, 2015 | Events, Sam Sianis
Father’s Day Rule #1: The way to a dad’s heart is through his stomach.

Bring Dad to Billy Goat this Father’s Day. Or, you can buy him something he’ll never wear. Again.
Apr 13, 2015 | Cheezborger, Sam Sianis
“Cheezborger! Cheezborger! You want doublecheez?!? Who’s next!?! WHO’S NEXT!?! Don’t look at the menu, look at ME! I order for you – DOUBLECHEEZ!”

It was scenes like this one that inspired the famous Olympia Restaurant skit on SNL featuring John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray and Loraine Newman and written by Don Novello.