The Billy Goat Party Brings Both Sides Together

Aren’t you tired of gridlock in government? Washington needs a third party like the Billy Goat. We know what it takes to brings Republicans and Democrats to the table – A NICE FAT CHEEZBORGER!

There are very few problems that can’t be solved over a Cheezborger and a beer. And while they’re here, we’ll make sure that the only pork in their bills will be thin, crispy and delicious.

Don’t forget to show your support for your new favorite party with a souvenir t-shirt.

Billy Goat On the Issues – Foreign Policy

No other party is better equipped to represent the USA in foreign policy. After all, we’re already world famous!

If anyone in the world gives our great country a problem, they won’t have to look any further than the Chicago Cubs to find out what can happen. They’ll think twice when faced with a goat curse. No other party offers a deterrent like this that will keep our extraordinary service men and women out of harms way.

But, the power of a good curse isn’t our first choice. We believe in diplomacy. You’d be surprised how many problems can be solved over a Cheezborger and beer. Politicians and world leaders have been working out their differences at Billy Goat for decades.

Billy Goat Party believes in keeping our extraordinary servicemen and women out of harm’s way.