Nov 5, 2012 | Cheezborger, United States Billy Goat Party
The United States Billy Goat Party has made cleaning up the environment a top priority. And, we’ve got some great ideas to make it finally happen!
Methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas, has been proven to contribute to global climate change. In the U.S., cattle emit about 5.5 million metric tons of methane per year from their rear-ends into our atmosphere!
How can we lower the amount of methane in our atmosphere? EAT MORE CHEEZBORGERS! Lets all do our part to help ensure our kids have a healthy, clean Earth to enjoy.

We also believe in sustainable solutions to environmental problems. Our secret weapon? Goats of course!! In fact, our ideas are already being put into action. O’Hare Airport was so inspired by the success of our location in Terminal 1, that they have embraced the goat as a sustainable solution to their lawn mowing problems.
So, eat more CHEEZBORGERS and keep more goats, and you’ll become a real steward of our environment!
Don’t forget to show your support for your new favorite party with a souvenir t-shirt.

Nov 5, 2012 | United States Billy Goat Party
The United States Billy Goat party believes in a strong foundation in education for our kids’ future. Everyone knows how important it is to create incentives to help our kids do well. The Billy Goat party wants the next generation to be able to appreciate all the classic signs in our tavern.
For example, did you know you can earn a free drink by correctly pronouncing this sign:

Doesn’t the next generation deserve a free drink? Or, to be able to know what’s on our menu?

A goat makes a great role model for education. After all, we should know. We’ve owned some pretty smart ones. Like Murphy, who was smart enough to earn himself a seat at the bar.

As you can see education is very important to our kids’ future. Show your support for your new favorite party with a souvenir t-shirt.

Oct 26, 2012 | United States Billy Goat Party
It’s official! We’re tired of the same old ideas from our politicians, so we’re founding The United States Billy Goat Party- a third party that will take care of our Kids’ future!
We don’t want to butt heads with Democrats and Republicans. Our goal is to bring people together. After all, we’ve been serving both parties since we famously let Republicans in during the 1944 convention.
We’ve got some great ideas that we’ve cooked up here at the Billy Goat. From the environment and economy to foreign policy and healthcare, we’ve got a plan to Take America Baaaack! Stay tuned to this blog. We’ll be posting our ideas about each issue right here, so you’ll have lots of reasons to “Vote for the Goat”!